A reason why english speaking countries are the richest ones...

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A reason why english speaking countries are the richest ones... Empty A reason why english speaking countries are the richest ones...

Message par seraitbiensanspseudo Jeu 2 Nov 2017 - 10:48

English words are shorter. More fluid language. More time spared. Most sparing time countries.

But intelligence is not to be rich.


Messages : 46
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2017

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A reason why english speaking countries are the richest ones... Empty Re: A reason why english speaking countries are the richest ones...

Message par Invité Jeu 2 Nov 2017 - 15:38

I love English countries, I feel myself British. But we can also regret that they use a poor language. I don't think they are richest because of the language. I think that's because of the sunlight. Yes, I'm not joking. In every "southern" countries, we spend our time outdoor, walking, dining, playing sport...etc... All is made to make us doing something other than work.

And there is also the way of thinking (from politicians). There is still a piece of honor in the UK. They are those who listen sometimes people. Who give up because of a scandal. in France, this is the opposite, the political game is to stay on your chair as long as you can. And being under the law, a criminal, a liar, is not a problem.

Look at the US, they speak English, but they do anything in the right way. Just because they have a silly mentality with Trump as banner.

To my mind...


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